23 mag 2013

strawberry tiramisù


the tiramisù is a cake typical of Veneto (the region where i live) and i love it! unfortunately during the pregnancy you cannot eat it because there are raw eggs in it but i found some recipes to make it without eggs!generally tiramisù is made with coffee (picture on the right) but i used strawberry instead since it’s more fresh and the theme was red & white.

what you need:
  • savoiardi (a kind of biscuit)
  • strawberries (500 gr)
  • 250 gr of mascarpone
  • 250 gr of fresh cream (to whipped)
  • 70 gr of sugar
  • 3-4 spoons of milk

first of all wash almost every strawberry (keep 5-6 for decoration) and whisk them with the milk.


use a strainer to remove all the seeds from the strawberry smoothie


mix well the mascarpone and the sugar.

then add the whipped cream (mixing gently from down to up to not “sag” the cream)


Start with a thin layer of cream, then put the savoiardi and wet them with the strawberries pureed (or drench them into the pureed before). Add cream and keep in this way (wet savoiardi and cream). end with cream and garnish with fresh strawberries.

keep it in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

i don’t have a proper picture of the result… but i think this one is better! zoeti loved it!!


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