28 apr 2013


 "a portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Zoe Tiare: my sleeping angel! today we had the first mummy-baby swimming lesson and you loved it! 

Me & my belly: 26 weeks. trying to guess if it will be a baby girl or a baby boy with a pendulum. do you know how it works? you take a ring (i used my wedding ring) and a necklace (or a cord) and you move it right above your belly: if it turns round it will be a girl and if it goes back and forth it's a boy.
the result? guess!

Giulio spent the week away for work so i lived as a single mom... i didn't have enough time to see a lot of the others 52 project portraits but i still found some pictures i love: another peaceful sleeping boy from my curly boy and the joy of this little girl playing with leaves.

taking part in jodi's project

4 commenti:

i'm not going to post anonimous comments - sorry!