20 nov 2013

Morning routine with two kids

Waking up and have a toddler and a newborn to deal with in no time can be a little... scary!
Alma has nearly four months and I have created my own routine and I have few tips to share with you!

First. Play in advance.  I try to prepare (or at least think about) what the girls are going to wear the day after. And prepare the diaper bag! I forget always something so i can't imagine what could happen running with a baby in my arms and a screaming toddler to grab some diapers and a dress. I bet I'd have diapers just for one daughter or three pair of pants and no shirt!

Second. Work with the kids.  if you can’t beat them, join them. When I tell somebody about my hectic mornings, the answer is always "why don't you wake up before them?" Yes, it would be easy, if only they wake up around the same time!! Zoeti loves surprising me by waking up one morning around seven and the morning after around eight. So if I really want to wake up before her I need to wake up at six... But that's the time when I breastfeed alma!
So the plan is: let's do everything all together! I have breakfast with Zoeti while breastfeeding Alma. Then we move to the bathroom all together: I change Alma's diaper while Zoeti washes her hands and face, we brush our teeth together and then Alma watch us while I dress Zoeti. The truth is that moving all together is hard (I sit Alma on a little chair which is quite heavy to move) but if I leave someone in the other room she will cry in 5 sec! So I prefer this way: when it's breakfast time everyone eats and when we get out the bathroom everyone is clean and dressed.

Third: Keep calm and ... Smile!  My friends know that I'm not that type of person that face the unexpected easily... I'm a Virgo after all and organization is my second name... But when you have kids you change! A lot! So if we are ready to get out, I've already put the coat on Alma (and she's already crying), Zoeti has the shoes on and I'm ready to close the door, well that's the moment when somebody tell me "I have to pee"... The first times I was... like "what? Are you kidding?!" But now my reaction is "ok... Let me undress Alma, take off your and my shoes, and your clothes, and close the door, and we'll go to the toilet" ! very zen! Ok, my reaction is not ALWAYS this one... But if I start yelling the result is a screaming baby and a crying - screaming - stubborn toddler: a disaster!

Fourth: let somebody - whosoever! - helps you!   Really, everybody! A couple of weeks ago I was to the playground and Zoeti asked me to go to the swing. I couldn't because I had Alma crying on my arms, so a daddy helped me and pushed her! There are very good people out there so let them help you!

Fifth: eat chocolate!   Ok...maybe this one works only for me but when I'm exhausted and the girls are screaming, I eat some chocolate and everything starts to get better!

2 commenti:

  1. I agree, definitely eat chocolate. (It works for me too) When I need that down time, chocolate, and a nice cup of tea. It really helps. Great tips. My daughter will be 3 in April. And we are working on on second baby, so thanks for sharing your routine.


i'm not going to post anonimous comments - sorry!