29 feb 2012

last day at home..

tomorrow i have to go back to work... new ward, new colleagues... but most important no more zoeti all day long... that's the worst part! i knew that this day would come but i was so happy being with my baby all day long! sometimes i've tought "ok, i want some time just for me... talking with somebody who can actually answer... i'm looking forward to go back to work" but now... i can only think of all the things that she'll learn without me...

the good part is that i'm working part time until she'll turn one year! wow.... i have to start thinking of her first birthday party!!! any suggestions?

mmm.... i made a to-do list some days ago of all the stuff i wanted to do before going back to work... remember? (link here to see the post)
let's see:
# movies: i've seen blow up and the sting but no other classics...instead i've seen the last one of Sarah Jessica Parker ( i don't know how she does it ) 'cause i thought it would be appropriate for me in this moment! It's a great comedy...

# books: the girl who played with fire: done!
              the great gatsby: just the first 15 pages... :(((

# clean the wardrobes: yes yes and yes!!! I'm so proud of me!! Now left only that of my husband... ;)

# clean the old barbies for zoeti: yep!

# learn to sew: i'm working on it... stay tuned! i'll share something as soon as i'll make it

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