i love...

if this is a blog about what i love it's better to show you what i'm talking about...  ;)


Being a family... i always wanted a family, lots of children... i'm only child and maybe that's why family is that important to me. When Zoe Tiare was born (May 2011) i finally felt my life as complete. and i'm lucky because i've found a man who feels the same!

Travel... is like breathing for me and my husband! we've seen a lot of places (perù, ecuador, vietnam, australia, laos, cambodia, japan, thailand, USA, cuba, argentina, chile, south africa, some european capital city...) but when we look at a map we always think how big is the world and how much we still have to visit! now we have miss zee with us so.... new adventures!

Coffee... in every moment: capuccino, americano, espresso, decaffeinato, shakerato... it was definetely the thing that i missed more during the pregnancy and breastfeeding!


Pumpkins... in every recipes!

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