7 lug 2013




"a portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Zoe Tiare: “i’ do” is your mantra these days. i love the way to want to be independent! 

Me & my belly: 36 weeks. we had a check this week and you have grown so much that i’m no longer at rest! all the percentile story is such a crazy thing! how can you catalog babies into a list?! we’re all so different! anyway, you are already 2,600 kg! i’m so looking forward to see your face!

i have a lot of favorites this week (staying on rest for the pregnancy gave me a tons of free time!): the colors in woven with spirit photo, a wonderful black and white, ruby hoppen’s portrait (we’re obsessed by peppa pig and her jumping up and down in muddy puddles) and the colors in oscarlucinda’s one.

Taking part in Jodi's weekly portrait series

2 commenti:

  1. Wow I admire you for being so...pregnant with a toddler! I only have the toddler and I'm exhausted!


i'm not going to post anonimous comments - sorry!