16 ago 2012

summer rain

it took 45 minutes to convince zoeti to take a nap this afternoon and just after that it started rain... i had tons of stuff to do during that 3 hours of "freedom" but, instead of that, i just stared at the rain. there's something magical in a summer unexpected rain: the sense of "wash away" all the problems, the fresh air coming just after, the rainbow...

but... just after that i panicked: how can i keep zoeti inside the house and keep my mental sanity?! she loves running and playing in the garden (like all the babies) and i can't fill 6-7 hours with books and indoor games... she's still in that age where everything has to be fast, she changes her mind quickly, she doesn't focus on something for more than 5 minutes... i find out this book:

it's already in my wish list! [italian version here]

the only trouble is that maybe zoeti is still to small for some of these activities... i'll figure something out!

i don't have to say that when zoeti woke up the sun was shining again! but i'll buy the book anyway: i'll not be that lucky in winter!!

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