30 ago 2012

let's go!

i love love love visit a new place... but i hate hate hate packing!!! this afternoon was all about ironing, cleaning, and packing... choosing outfits is not that complicate: i always understimate the cold but this time i've packed some autumnal shirts and pants as well as summer clothes (it's still august for God sake!!).
but ... shoes!! let's talk about it! i'm not one of that woman with thousands of shoes (unfortunately) and i'm not shoes addicted (Carrie Bradshaw style). but the truth is that every outfits has its own pair of shoes and it's a waste of time chose your dress carefully and match it with a wrong pair of shoes - don't you think?

so... the main luggage is ready. yes, i've said "the main" luggage, because there's also the baby stroller bag, a toys bag and a cooler to prepare! and this time i've chosen not to carry a drugs bag: it's just 4 days... plus, i've found this article about how you can use some common foods to solve trivial health problems... do not expect the revelation of the century, just some common-sense advices.

ok... time to sleep...but before leaving i want just to say one more thing: welcome Carlo!!he's the baby boy of one of my dearest and oldest friends... we're very happy to have you in our... family!!

28 ago 2012

that time of the year...

Photo: iStockphoto/RTimages

today is my last day of work... in a hospital... that hospital where i've worked the last 7 years...
on the 5th of september i'll start working on a new hospital, close where i live, changing collegues and department...

that's ... scary!! i wanted to change my work place: it was too far from home and i always feel like a waste of time the hours that i spent driving. but that day is now and now i'm scared! it's funny: i've always thought that "september as a new begining" was just school related. it's quite strange feeling like a student waiting her first day of school but that's exactly how i feel.

it's better think of the whole week that i'll spend on holiday with giulio and zoeti... we're planning to visit genova, cinque terre and portofino. i've never been to liguria before so i'm quite curious. i'll tell you how is it going on my next post... in the meantime do you have any tips to share?

24 ago 2012

download day...

one of my favorite magazines (glamour) has always a special attention of what is new on the apple store. this month issue suggests some new application (free) that i decided to download and try.

#1 kayak: it's a travel app to find out flights and hotel. as you know my biggest passion - besides family - is travel. i didn't had the chance to use this app for now, but at first sight and reading the ratings seems a must-have application!

#2 eurban link: it's a social guide for exploring cities where you can share your advices and tips.

#3 metro: it's a free guide to public transport systems worldwide. big cities are not easy to see with your own car so we often chose public transports... that's a big help!

now it's time to find out something for zoeti, to keep her busy, that teaches her something and possibly in english (we're still trying to have some english moments along the day to introduce her to the english language). any suggestions?

21 ago 2012

full time, part time, no time!

it's my coffee break (one of my coffee breaks actually..) and i found this article "new mums happier with a full-time job" (italian article here) the main idea is that coming back soon to a full-time job right after the childbirth improve your mental and phisical skills, according to the Denver American Sociological Association . 

the italian situation right now is that you can stay home for 3 months after the childbirth, getting 100% of your salary, then other 6 months at 30% , and other 3 months with no salary (this was my case, as a worker in the public section).  it's far from the sweden and norway standard: 12 months at 80% and fathers at home (mandatory) for the first 4 weeks...

i don't know with who the ASA had talked, but as a new mom i have to say that babies NEED  to stay with moms and moms NEED to stay with the babies. the first years is all about creating a relationship that is not as natural as everybody thinks: a baby needs to understand what a mom is and a woman doesn't became a mom just with a birth. you need to know each other and to learn from each other how to manage this new situation. 

i came back to work when zoeti was 9 months... too soon. and, my dear researchers, what about the happiness when your kid calls the baby sitter mom? or when she falls down and goes to grandma to be consoled? i know that sometimes is hard staying 24/7 with kids (even if they are the light of your eyes) because they need attention and you can't go for a coffee break from time to time... and i know as well that working is important and most of the people invests a lots of years to create a career...
but still... if i'll have the chance, in the future, to work part-time or get a home-staying job.... well that would be perfect!!

17 ago 2012


virgo - organizing is what you like most: making lists and lists, put everything in the right place, create a time schedule for all your days - until you have a kid and a full time job! but you know... if it is in your DNA you can try to ignore it but not for so long. and that's what i did with my need of organize everything. it's a good think not to control everything, it adds some spontaneity to your life. but when spontaneity means piles of dirty clothes or eating pizza three times in a week ... well...we have a problem!

in internet i found out something that helped me to control at least the food-situation: it's an easy pdf to plan everyday's meals and the weekly shop. i just modified it a little bit to better suit my situation. the original version come from babygreen.
that's mine: weekly planning. i liked the original version for the "seasonal products" part, which is eco-friendly and ... money-friendly! and i had a "baby" section because zoeti doesn't eat all we eat so sometimes i still need to prepare something just for her...

it's time to fill my list! bye bye

16 ago 2012

summer rain

it took 45 minutes to convince zoeti to take a nap this afternoon and just after that it started rain... i had tons of stuff to do during that 3 hours of "freedom" but, instead of that, i just stared at the rain. there's something magical in a summer unexpected rain: the sense of "wash away" all the problems, the fresh air coming just after, the rainbow...

but... just after that i panicked: how can i keep zoeti inside the house and keep my mental sanity?! she loves running and playing in the garden (like all the babies) and i can't fill 6-7 hours with books and indoor games... she's still in that age where everything has to be fast, she changes her mind quickly, she doesn't focus on something for more than 5 minutes... i find out this book:

it's already in my wish list! [italian version here]

the only trouble is that maybe zoeti is still to small for some of these activities... i'll figure something out!

i don't have to say that when zoeti woke up the sun was shining again! but i'll buy the book anyway: i'll not be that lucky in winter!!

9 ago 2012

country life

and finally my parents are on holiday! i'm happy for them and... for me too! they love spending time with zoeti so it's a great help leaving my kid to them from time to time! last week zoeti was sick :( she had an attack of bronchospasm followed by cough and fever so she didn't go to the nursery. luckily i worked during the weekends so i was free during the week and we moved to a beautiful tiny house that my parents have on a hill near where we live.
the place is charming... it belonged to my granpa but my daddy renovated a lot of stuff! he made a big swing for zoeti (but adults love it too!!) and they have a vegetable garden (organic and good vegetables for the whole family) and some fruit trees. and the view is something!! plus... it's almost 3-4 degrees less than here where i live, with a fabulous breeze...

7 ago 2012

boat crush!

what's more summer-ish than boat & co.?? i'm always looking for some sea-related inspirations for my house and today is my... boat day! 

from apartmenttherapy.com

last but not least a very special boat! 

3 ago 2012

room # 1: zoeti's bedroom

i want to show you my house, one room at time. when i got married i was so busy organizing the wedding and home decor was not one of my passion. giulio was (and still is) the genious of the house, the one who creates everything from old and broken stuff and the one with a deep depp passion in furniture & co.
but since then i've started reading some of his books and read newspapers which were subscribers and i'm creating my very own style.

my tour of the house begins from the room that i feel MINE the most: zoeti's bedroom. it holds everything i love: white & blue colors, some romantic touch, a cozy atmosphere... the white woodwork and the blue stripes wallpaper (filling two walls) are the best part!

from the door

her best friend... arturo!

a touch of... ikea! giulio has renovated the dresser in the background with some disney's pictures 

vintage and new chime

guess who made the writing?!

english books & italian books

i simply love her closet! it used to be in a school 

while i look at these pictures i'm thinking that i desperately need a wide agle!