26 ago 2013
25 ago 2013
MuSe: science museum in trento
on saturday we spent the day in the new science museum in trento: muse. renzo piano is the famous architect that designed the structure and you can easily guess it from the outside: glasses everywhere! the museum is awesome! 5 floors of dinosaurs, different types of animals, flora and fauna of the mountains, human evolution and even a tropical greenhouse! but the thing i loved most is that it’s children friendly: there is a whole floor of science experiments to try and screens to help understand the different types of animals. a funny and instructive plus for kids! maybe zoeti is still too little to understand and appreciate such a thing but we’ll surely come back soon.
and that’s how we ended the day: with a injured toddler and a visit to the ER! my little zoeti have had a pronation of the ulna! luckily the doctor has adjusted her in 5 minutes!
22 ago 2013
what children teach you
thank you, girls! you are teaching me how to slow down, take time, breathe. if you have two kiddos so close in age and so little, forget the clock. don’t say i will be there at… because you will never be on time. don’t make plans too tight… even if you need a little bit of organization being flexible is your priority. i was always in a hurry before becoming a mom. and what for? zoeti is becoming independent and she needs her time to do things as she wants. i can scream and do things in its place or take a step behind (thanks tracy hogg!) and look her growing and learning new things.
and take a look around with their eyes. they can see things you never noticed before. alma is just discovering the world and that’s a magical moment. she moves her little face when i talk, smiles even if still not voluntarily, opening her eyes to lights and shadows.
i have to admit that sometimes i just need to do things quickly but then zoeti stops me, right in the middle of the street or while i am packing everything to go outside just because there is a plane in the sky or a dog is walking outside or she HAS to give a kiss to alma. and i remember how lucky i am.
thank you, girls!
19 ago 2013
one day in the mountain
last friday we spent the day in a place near Asiago called Bocchetta Pau. i think that one of the best things about living where i live it’s that we’re very close to the mountain, to the sea and to the lake. of course the trouble is reach them on sunday, expecially during summertime!
i’ve called the pediatrician first, because i didn’t know if the mountain (around 1300 mt) would be fine for alma. the verdict was “go ahead but slowly and let her use the pacifier or nurse her from time to time.
zoeti had so much fun! we met cows, a donkey and even a hawk! and alma slept most of the time! we took a walk and i realized that i really really need to start moving again (if i want to lose all my baby weight!!). organizing our new life in four is not so easy but we’re working on it.
18 ago 2013
"a portrait of my daughters, once a week, every week, in 2013"
Zoe Tiare: we bought you a magic slate and you love it! it is hard to keep you busy while i’m breastfeeding your sister, but this blackboard is a great idea!
Alma Aiko: someone is sleeping on the couch! just two weeks… but seems like you are in this family forever!
my favorite last week are: lamb’s portrait, stella’s children and these shadows.
Taking part in Jodi's weekly portrait series
13 ago 2013
first exit as four
anyway we went to this park called oasi rossi where they have animals such as pigs, ducks, rabbits… and some playgrounds for kids. there’s also a butterfly park and a train.
zoeti loves this place! it’s always full of kids, she asks me about the train even before leaving home, and she loves watching the animals!
11 ago 2013
"a portrait of my daughters family, once a week, every week, in 2013"
Zoe Tiare: trying to balance jealousy and love
Alma Aiko: your first week!
this week’s portraits are focused on our family because all this week has been about finding a new arrangement… we’re four now and everybody has a new role and a new place. if it’s easy for me and giulio, it’s not so easy for zoeti so this week we tried to know better our little alma and to reassure zoeti about our love.
Taking part in Jodi's weekly portrait series
6 ago 2013
she is born!
She was born on 2nd of August at 7.38 a.m.
she's beautiful.
1 ago 2013
40 weeks...
(source) that's so funny!!! |
my i-phone app this morning said "hello barbara, you are 40 weeks pregnant, within the 3rd trimester".
i would never had said... the gynecologist on the 16th of july told me "you are ready for the child birth. your body is ready" and that was a big mistake! i convinced myself that my baby would be born soon, very soon... i had contractions (the real ones) three time since then but every time they stopped by themself. i remember the midwife i met when zoeti was born; she told us "the birth is the first decision that your baby takes" and that's true! my body can be ready as much as i want but my baby is not. this last week was very very hard... everybody asking "news?" "how do you feel?" . they just want to be kind and maybe they're just curious, but for someone waiting is a torture.
i searched for the statistic and what i found is that 5% of babies are born on the expected date, 30% before that date and 65% after. it's conforting, right?
so, let's wait!