30 gen 2013

♥+♥= ♥ AND ....♥

we have a secret to tell...

baby # 2 is coming!

we're so over the moon with excitement! the first months were not that easy: no morning sickness, but afternoon and evening!! but now i'm enjoying the 13th week and i feel... wonderfully! we had the first ultrasound: he or she seems perfectly healty and we can start dreaming about this new adventure with more conviction!

we love you already so much, little wonder, and i'm so curious to see how your face is, if you'll be like your little sister, and above all see you two playing together and have fun together! i'm only child so seeing the siblings relationship is something new and exciting for me!

27 gen 2013


"a portrait of my family (just child this time), once a week, every week, in 2013"

Zoe Tiare: playing in the morning

there are no pictures of me or my husband this week because... we have not take any pictures of us! (mmm... i'm not sure if it's right in english...) that's the true! i was too busy on cooking and planning next week... you'll understand why later this week... ;)

26 gen 2013

pear cake

i'm trying to catch up with my challenge "a new dish every two weeks" so... that's my second new cooking experiment of the year: pear cake! it's super easy and delicious!
that's what you need:

2 eggs
125 gr of yogurt
3 pears
80 gr of sugar
200 gr of flour (and half a bag of baking powder)

just peel the pears and cut them in smal pieces. mix all the ingredients. cook in the oven for 30-35 mins at 180°C. and.... eat it warm!!

my special breakfast...

23 gen 2013

spinach & potatoes pie

one of my new year's resolutions was cooking something new every two weeks... well i'm not following this point very much lately! but i'll make it up, promise!
let's start with this pie. i feel like i'm kind of cheating because i've already made a lots of pies... but not this one so i think i can consider it " a new dish"!

first of all cook some spinach (i've used the frozen ones - 250 gr) with some butter

than add 4 boiled potatoes (mash them a little bit before), salt & pepper

coating the pan with the puff pastry and add the filling. add a mozzarella cutted in small pieces (open her the day before so she can lose her liquid). i've added also some cheese on the top (grana padano)
- i've had a little helper as you can see! - 

that's the result! i'm sorry but we were so hungry that we ate the pie before the picture!

21 gen 2013


"a portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Zoe Tiare: my sleeping beauty
Me: ready for a shopping day

my husband is no longer comfortable with this project so portraits of him will be  posted from time to time.

20 gen 2013

stills: a weekly collection

trying her new snow shoes // kissing the vietnamese water puppetry // who's having more fun?! // feeling the rain  // two girls // winter's king

today zoeti tries the sled for the very first time... unfortunately it was very cold and rainy so we couldn't stay out for a long time! maybe next week... finger crossed!

18 gen 2013

1# book review

i had promised to read at least one book every month (see the others my resolutions here ) so that's my first book review!

"i sogni dei bambini" - Sergio Bambarén (i don't know if there's an english version of this book - sorry)

My aunt gave this to me as birthday present last year and i never found time to read it... what a pity! this book is wonderful! it talks about a rich men that gets lost in a very poor district and he recognize that that was the place where he used to live with his family. he meets another him, a happier one, that shows him his past as it was (poor but happy) and not as he remembered.
the style is close to Coelho's and the topic is the one that make you think... because even if you grow up, the dreams that you had as a chid remain the same - and you have to remember that!

"al mondo ci sono persone talmente povere da non possedere nulla, oltre il denaro"
there are people so poor that they own nothing, except money      

14 gen 2013


" a portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013"

zoe tiare: her secret place
giulio: beautiful eyes

9 gen 2013




it was the 9th of january 2000 when we met and fell in love... at  that time we were young and crazy!

now, after thirteen years, we are still crazy... and young! we have traveled a lot, got married, created our family and we are ready for new adventures!

i love you, Giulio!

8 gen 2013

week # 1

and the first week has gone...
time for me to check how i'm doing with new year's resolutions... let's see..

# book: i've almost finished the january one! i have to admit that i've started it in december...  and i'm planning what's next!

# new course... emm... so far nothing on the horizon...

# montessori & co. : my husband give me the book i wanted for christmas and i'm already reading it! so interesting! i'm looking forward to practice some of those excercises!

# 365 project: well... i'm working on it! see last post if you need proofs!

# cooking: still nothing new. but i've another week!

# new places: not jet.


i decided not to publish every portrait of my family members but to choose the best every week.

Update: i decided to follow the project of one of my favorite blog Ché and Fidel and make a 52 weeks project...
next week you'll see just a portrait of my family members (including me) and that's my project for 2013. it will be fun and precious to keep a reminder of how we are changing during one whole year!

so... "a portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013"

6 gen 2013

Befana's day!

zoeti first befana!

the antiques market

waiting for the befana...

the 6th of january is not only the epiphany day... i don't know if it's the same in other countries, but according to our tradition today is the day when an old lady, flying on a broom, goes to every kid's house and bring sweets if you are a good boy/girl or coal if you are a bad one. every italian plaza is full of children today waiting to see the befana (that's her name) and receive the traditional sock full of goodies.
zoeti is still too small to understand and today, when we have met the first befana she started crying! it's a common reaction because normally she has a kind of grotesque mask and she's hunchback.... with a creepy voice... she doesn't seem a children thing, but when they turn 4 or 5 they love her! it's a way to have chocolate and sweets after christmas and before easter! sometimes she brings toys too!

anyway, our town organized a great event this afternoon, for all the kids, with a befana jumping down from the bell tower, and socks and ballons for all the kids. except for the befana zoeti really enjoyed all those people, and colours, and friends to play with!

how was your day?

2 gen 2013

last picture of 2012

this is our last family picture of the year... a way for our family to say "bye bye 2012... welcome 2013"...
i was (and still am) very busy with work and family, and i'm not feeling very well (flu or... something else...) so i can't write more right now but i'm proud to say that i'm already on work with my goals! i'm reading and taking pictures! not bad for the 2nd of January, don't you think?!