28 apr 2012

new york # 1

and we are back... not so easy for zoeti adapt to a new time zone, a long flight and an intestinal virus all in the same day, but she's doing great! being finally in new york with our family (my husband's brother and family live there) was super and we wanted so much spending some time with my nephew! he's getting so big so fast!
the day after we arrived we've been to his japanese nursery (his mother - my sister in law - is japanese! Lucky boy: three languages and no effort to learn them!) zoeti was no scared of new people and she started so soon to play with the other kids. she was the youngest but she did what the others were doing: playing, dancing... we couldn't help her with singing because... we don't speak japanese at all! but it was super funny!! go zoe-chan, go!!

26 apr 2012

new post soon...

I'll post about his amazing new york trip as soon as i get home! i'll promise!!

15 apr 2012

ready to go!

so... after two very long days of packing, cleaning and "what's better for zoeti? another pair of trousers or a beautiful dress?" we're ready to go to New York! i want,  i really really want to hug my nephew and my brother and sister in law and i really want to walk around the city with an hot coffee and with a surprised baby!

new york, we're coming!

10 apr 2012

random Easter pics

i didn't spend so much time with my husband and zoeti during the last week because sadly i had to work... but these are some family moments.i'm looking forward to be in US and spend 24/7 with my family! yesterday a flock of sheep walked along our street to reach some near fields. it's not so unusual but was zoeti's first time! so we ran out with her to let her see sheeps and donkeys and the owner let her touch a lambkin!she was so excited!

6 apr 2012


that's what's new in my pottery archive... two cups that i wanted as much marine as possible and a vase with earth colors. i know... they're not perfect... but i love them because I MADE them. in the past i wasn't so keen on artistic stuff, except for photography so i just started with DIY projects... it's amazing working with your hands and create something!

3 apr 2012

scent of ... grass

one of the greenest places i've ever seen: Sapa (Viet Nam)

taking advantage of the sunny day we went for a walk this afternoon... we met a woman, who was cutting the grass in her lawn and the scent was everywhere! i say scent because i love the one of cut grass... it reminds me the childhood, when my father used to cut the grass every 2-3 weeks during spring and summer and i sat in the balcony, with a book.

now there are big grey clouds in the sky... no walk tomorrow, i fear!

1 apr 2012

and the winner is....

finally we made a decision... it was quite funny, trying to cover the sofa with white sheets or blue table cloth and closing one eye to see the effect! and not so easy as we think since zoeti wanted to play with everything we put in the sofa! anyway, we have a winner: our new sofa cover will be... light blue! i'm so happy because is a "touch of sea" in the house. now i want to find a couple of pillows as the ones in the picture to complete the sofa.
i'll post a picture of my sofa as soon as we have it! i'm always so excited when we change something in the house!!