
16 dic 2013

to Santa’s house

last saturday the surprise in our advent calendar said “let’s go to find where santa lives!”. zoeti was super excited!! a city near where we live, montecchio maggiore, recreated a magical town in a cave. it was amazing!! i booked 8 tickets for us and our parents. first time in a cave for me! we wore helmets, no heels allowed and, with an elf as guide, we moved inside until we found santa’s house!
i think that maybe zoeti is still too young for this… she was scared by santa and by the grinch and she was always checking at us. but still the effort on creating the atmosphere has been considerable! well done guys!
sorry for the bad quality, but moving and enjoying the place along with low light is a bad combination for taking pictures!
:: the real santa’s house ::
DSC_2392Untitled-5DSC_2405 DSC_2421
:: gnomes and elves at work :: DSC_2422 DSC_2432 DSC_2440 DSC_2459
:: the grinch! :: DSC_2476 DSC_2503
:: with santa! zoeti was scared and alma loved playing with santa’s beard! :: DSC_2534

5 commenti:

  1. ciao Barbara complimenti davvero ho guardato e riguardato la vostra gita alla casa di Babbo Natale e,...prenotato anch'io. Devo ringraziarti davvero tanto. Un bacio grosso grosso Laura

    1. Ma prego, Laura! Anch'io guardo il tuo blog... Come cresce il tuo ometto!!

  2. Ciao Barbara cara che bello il tuo sito complimenti davvero. Ti ringrazio davvero tanto grazie al tuo racconto e alle tue foto sono riuscita a convincere un gruppetto di amici ad unirsi a noi per la visita della dimora di babbo natale. Waw queste cose mi emozionano davvero tanto. un buon natale a te a alla tua SPLENDIDA famiglia.


i'm not going to post anonimous comments - sorry!