
30 ott 2012

room # 2: our bedroom

let's follow with my tour house, after zoeti's bedroom (here) it's time for our bedroom. i had to admit... it's a little bit too big... maybe we have to think about redistribution the spaces in the house.... but i love it! when we got married i was totaly into the oriental mood so i choosed a low, squared bed made with black wood, as the wardrobe. but, as you know, a personal style can change and now i'm more in a french-romantic-navy  moment. luckily we put some timeless pieces into the room and a lot of vintage stuff, along with travel memories. this mix is actually what i love most! 

vintage bedsides and lamps

Buddha's head from Cambodia

water puppet from Vietnam

vintage suitcase and cabinets

26 ott 2012

pottery news

that's what's new in my little pottery world... i made the lamp some months ago but i didn't took picture at that time... now that is winter i'm pretty sure she will be a protagonist of our hot choco + sofa + movie nights!!

i wanted something different for the bowls so i tried to mix the color to obtain the stripe in the middle... i love them! i want to make a bigger version for our winter soups!

and that's a preview of something i'm working on. just a clue... it's for zoeti and has to be ready soon!! winter is coming! the forecast for this weekend says " Cold, cold, cold and rain, rain, rain"...
what are your plans for the weekend?

22 ott 2012

just a glance...

what's up lately...

zoeti's first nursery party with a lot of bubbles...

and a lot of fun!

family portrait

"abitare il tempo", a furniture fair

when you say getting into the art!

welcome to mars!

18 ott 2012

my "Julia Child" day

once in a while i feel the urge to cook... yesterday was one of these days! Unfortunately was not "let's take a long nap" day for zoeti so she slept just one single hour... how can you cook with a crying baby, who wants to see what's on the table and help you?! I let her help, of course... it's funny when she is so concentrate in helping mommy!
It takes a little bit longer, with frequently stops to see our neighbour's cat from the window, but we made it!

apple cake:

we enjoyed it!!

creamy carrot soup: 


apple cake:
2 apples
2 yolks
180 gr of flour
130 gr of sugar (or 80 gr of sugar and ... some marple syrup)
50 gr of butter
1/2 glass of milk
1 spoon of baking powder
a pinch of salt

beat the yolks with sugar(save 2-3 spoons for the end)  and add half melted butter. than add milk, flour, baking powder, salt and mix well. pour the mixture into the pan and put the apples thinly sliced vertically. add the remaining butter and sugar on the top. baking 180° for 40 mins.

creamy carrot soup:
4 big carrots
2 potatoes
a small onion

fry slightly the onion and add carrots and potatoes cutted in small pieces.  pour some broth (1lt ca.)  and let it cooking for about 20 mins.  whip everything and add cream . you can eat it with cheese and  parsley or chive.

13 ott 2012

take-care-of-mommy day!

back from a couple of days just for me! no... i didn't leave for some fancy spa, but i spent the yesterday morning at my hairdresser and this morning having a relaxing wonderful californian massage (birthday present from my husband!).
my hairdresser was ... let's say... disappointed when i told her "only a trim ok?", so she gave me the big cut book "let's take a look... maybe for next time..". i was looking at all those beautiful and extremely short hair cut and the temptation was big. if only i could see if i like my face without those long hair! when i came back home i searched for an application. there's application for everything and, of course, there is one (actually more than one) also to have a preview of your face with different hair color or cut. i tried one called taaz: you have to upload one of your pictures (use a straight-on photo with hair pulled back) and choose make up and hair. i suggest you to start from make up; every kind of hairstyle that you try would be bad if your face isn't fine. so: skin, lips, eyes and then hair.
i've tried halle berry style (very very short),
cameron diaz bob

and jessica stroup version

i have the feeling that next time it wouldn't be just a trim ;) what about you? are you the type of person that ask for something blindly or - like me - an always prepared person with photos, suggestions and preview when needed?!

PS: what's a californian massage? to say it in one word the heaven! check it out here! an hour massage with warm body oil, that remembered me the movement of waves...

9 ott 2012

from me to you...

i used to sit on this rocking chair for hours, with dolls or books... My parents luckily didn't thrown it away when i grown up so now zoeti can play with it too! the colour didn't convince me so i changed it in a yellowish white.

as i already mentioned, my husband is the artist, but i wanted to try. i fixed the wood to make it more stable. sanded. painted. twice. and now i can see my baby using it as i used to. priceless.


8 ott 2012

bye bye canon...welcome olympus!

a couple of weeks ago we had an accident with the camera: it dropped and broke. we could use it anyway but without autofocus.
i loved my canon, but the truth is that we need to change it anyway, or at least we need to buy some good lenses. while i was reading camera reviews i found out the world of mirrorless. a friend had already left the canon-reflex side for an olympus mirrorless and she told wonders. basically my choice is based on the practicality that an smaller and lighter camera (but still with good quality) can give me. mommy bags are already too heavy to add other kilos and it's a pity to give up bringing the camera always with you! you never know when you find something to immortalize!!

but now comes the hardest part: knowing something new. i need time to understand how it works, not in absolute, but for me! the seller told me: come back in a couple of weeks and ask me how to make this camera working for you.
so... to us, olimpus e-p3

1 ott 2012

cloth diapers review


it's 8 months that i'm using cloth diapers and some of my friends are asking me if i would recomend them, how it works, how is my experience... i'm using pocket diapers.
so, that's my story!

when zoeti was born she was simply too small to wear that big diapers so i used disposable diapers for the first months. during that time i read a lot of comments about pro and cons of cloth diapers and i decided to try them (read the post here). to be 100% honest, i didn't try cloth diapers at first because... zoeti was my first child... i had tons of things to learn and to figure out i didn't want to addsomething else to my already full schedule.

i'm still not using them exclusively because i want that zoeti remains dry during the night but i use them almost every day  when i'm at home... yes... i said when i'm at home because zoeti's nursery do not accept cloth diapers so... and i'm not using them when she stays with my mum or my mother in law (they would not be very happy about it!).

in other words, until may she was using them almost every day, the whole day, because i was working just 3 days a week (part-time). from may she started the nursery and i working full-time, which means 2 or 3 cloth diapers per day during weekdays, more during weekends.

do it for the earth!
but still, i suggest you to try. the first months we (my husband & me) stared at that huge amount of garbage that zoeti was creating and we felt awful. we don't have a proper green consciousness but we try to take care of our earth, and that seemed a totally waste of plastic, chemicals and packaging! and money!! our city gives you 100 euros if you buy cloth diapers (and you don't need much more money to buy all the diapers you need) and you have to buy them just once and keep them for the 2nd baby, and the 3rd...

washing them is not a big deal!
washing them is not a big work: i bought a big washable bag and i clean it with diapers (just put everything in the washing machine without taking them out... the spin cycle will let them out). - that's mine -
and you don't need any special soap; i use marseilles soap or bicarbonate and vinegar as softened.

prevent allergies!
i'm an allergic person, so that's influenced my choice too. i didn't want all that whitening products used for disposable diapers on my beautiful baby's skin if i can have something different!

any questions? ;)