
28 giu 2012

last days at Ca' Savio...

we're back since sunday but i realized that i didn't post the last pictures we took! so... here they are!

playing in the caravan

i LOVE you both!

23 giu 2012

venetian lagoon

And finally Giulio came… we were on the beach yesterday when he arrived… Zoeti was quite surprised and certainly happy to see his daddy but not as much as he was! So today was officially our first day on holiday as a family and we spent the morning with bicycles around the venetian laguna. Giulio’s uncle was our guide. He knows very well the area around here; they spent one week every year on holiday in this camping the last 30 years! I read on Elle an article about the beautiful places around Venice and it was mentioned Lio Piccolo, a very small area of the same town where we are (Cavallino Treporti). I’ve never been here before so I was looking to discover some beautiful places and take some picture… well, the laguna, seen slowly with a bicycle is charming! With all the strange birds, flamingos, fishes, all the colors, and all these small streets  with picturesque houses…  these are some pictures that I took

sun, sea & fun

helping Vale & Pippo...

Another beautiful day on the beach! I didn’t explain the camping situation in my last post so… On Tuesday Giulio’s aunt and one cousine, Vale,  arrived (they rent  a bungalow) and today came the rest of the family: uncle, another cousin, Ely, and her boyfriend, Pippo. They are such a beautiful family! Like the one that you see in the movie!!

20 giu 2012

camping life

So… the 2nd day alone with zoeti has gone…I can say that  i’m doing a great job (sometimes you need to tell you that!) trying to manage baby, caravan, food, showers (a lot of them), sand, dishwashing and  naps! I organized my day like this:
8: we wake up and have breakfast
9: we clean the breakfast mess, wash my teeth, and get ready for swimming pool (going to the beach only in the afternoon mean s not have to fight against sand for the whole day, but just in the afternoon!)
Around 11: cycling (when the sun is too strong for zoeti I dress her up and get a relaxing ride inside and outside the camping, trying to do some shopping as well (we’re girls after all!)
12: lunch and nap, which means some time for me for relaxing, after cleaning!
15: zoeti wakes up, we eat something and we play a little bit outside
16.30: let’s go to the beach!
18.30:  shower and dinner
21.30: let’s sleep zoeti!
Staying with her 24/7 it’s a great opportunity. She is so smart and I’m learning everyday something new of her. But let’s say that being alone is not that relaxing! All the baby responsibility is yours, and you can’t take five minutes of your own  when you want… and there’s another thing… watching all the family in the beach, kids playing with their parents… holidays are a family thing… and I miss my husband (and I’m pretty sure that zoeti misses her daddy). He’ll reach us on Thursday so, just another day of mum-and-daughter!

17 giu 2012

ready to go...!!

ok... everything is packed and ready... my first time on a caravan... my first time alone with zoeti. this would be an "only girls" holiday and i'm so excited ... and nervous... it's not easy to look after a very smart and curious toddler all alone and in a "roulotte" where i've never been before! luckily Giulio (my husband) will stay with us for a couple of days later this week.
And i'm so looking forward to see the sea!

PS: i'm thinking about a "traver with kids" page to add to my blog... that's my 3rd trip with zoeti and maybe there's some advice that could be useful to other moms!

13 giu 2012

12 giu 2012

astrological predictions

seen on Pinterest here
" your sign and too-much-work come always togheter so this month try to contradict the expectation. so: less work, more fun. my suggestion: fall in love with you, even with your flaws. you don't have to be perfect to be happy!" that's my horoscope. and i'm going to follow every single word, and not only for this month but as a  lifetime mantra!

8 giu 2012

zoeti's first flower

this morning started "with the right foot"... my husband left a love you note on the table, zoeti was super funny and the sun was shining! after a bike ride we made gardening a bit. yesterday the nursery's teacher gave me a small flower that zoeti supposed to plant (actually the older children have them planted for the youngest) and we put it into a proper vase! unfortunately zoeti thought to give it a hug just after planting so now it's a little bit... suffering! let's hope for the best!

i made the name tag with my super new washi tape! i was looking forward to use it!!

7 giu 2012

what's up lately...

such a strange day today... actually the last three days were pretty strange... and not only for me! zoeti is teething (again!! ) and has a terrible cough (thanks nursery!) so she's not sleeping very well and during the day she always complaining, crying or looking for something that make her fell better... and all the mothers know that if your child is not well, you are not well either.
we had our moments, it's not just a black hole without happy moments:

we drawn for the very first time

we had picnic in our new roof garden (more pics are coming soon!)

our flowers are blooming - zoeti loves smelling flowers even when they don't smell at all!

i cooked one of my favorite dish - vegetarian couscous

maybe it's just the weather - so grey and... indefinite- that makes me fell so indolent...

3 giu 2012

just a perfect wedding...

the day before...

getting ready...

last beer as a "free" man...

groom, best man and... best woman!

June, 2nd 2012

zoeti - dress: janie and jackshoes: geox
mum - dress: attic and barn
shoes: united nude

playing with zoeti... but i was so nervous!!!

she is just perfect!

her first steps...

perfection... happyness... are not easy to define... but there are moments, or days, when everything seems just right. My best friend's wedding was one of that day. she was beautiful, in a dress more than perfect for her. he was handsome, total blue with an extravagant touch in shoes. the location and the atmosphere were vintage as they wanted. and together they were just the picture of a perfect happyness...
i didn't took so many pictures because i was too intent to feel the day, so these are just few moments...

and if the day was not special enough, zoeti decided to take her first steps in the afternoon!